As mentioned before, there is no need to breed your female dog at any stage of her life. To make sure you get the best advice, it is recommended that you talk to your veterinary clinic about whether to breed or not, and get advice on which way you should go. People who pay big money for a pedigreed dog may hope to make some of the money back by selling a litter of pups from the dog, but this can be fraught with dangers too. If your dog spends a lot of time alone while you are at work, even if there is a suitable mate around, if a very aggressive dog fancies your dog and jumps the fence, there is every likelihood you will end up with your dog badly injured in a fight and your dog could end up with unwanted pups.
Another thing about your dog coming in season at the wrong time for you is that she may accept a dog that is totally wrong for her in the way of size. The puppies will throw to the mother, but still there can be a lot of complications when birth comes around. Big fathers will produce larger than normal pups, and the dog may only have a small pelvis if she is very small. This can result in the dog having to have a Caesarian, which can ruin her for further breeding. In a lot of cases, it is simpler to desex the dog at the time of the Caesarian.
If I Have A Male To Breed Her With, Then I Shouldn’t Have To Worry About Strays
Very incorrect. Your dog may not like your male dog and keep him from mounting her by all sorts of ruses, including full-on aggression. Although she may not take different males during her ‘season’ the odds are she will if they appeal enough. It is very important that you set up the mating times to ensure you know when she will come into labor. If a stray slips over the fence and gets to her the morning of the day you have selected for breeding, she may even, because of soreness, refuse to mate with your dog. Female dogs can be very choosy when it comes to mates and will often take the aggressive ‘stray’ rather than what has been planned for her, unless the set-up is ensures that no other dogs can get to her.
I Don’t Want Her To Breed, But I Don’t Want Her Fixed Either
Many people are under the misapprehension that having their dog fixed changes the dog in some little-understood way. This is very prevalent in reluctance shown by having a male dog desexed. It can be a bigger and more expensive procedure, yes, but it certainly does not change the dog at all in itself. Letting her have a litter of pups may certainly change your dog. They often develop neurotic tendencies after the pups are gone, and their bodies can become more prone to disease. If you don’t want to have your dog desexed, but don’t want pups either, discuss your options with a veterinary clinic. There are a range of procedures available that can guard against an unwanted pregnancy.
If I Have A Male To Breed Her With, Then I Shouldn’t Have To Worry About Strays
Very incorrect. Your dog may not like your male dog and keep him from mounting her by all sorts of ruses, including full-on aggression. Although she may not take different males during her ‘season’ the odds are she will if they appeal enough. It is very important that you set up the mating times to ensure you know when she will come into labor. If a stray slips over the fence and gets to her the morning of the day you have selected for breeding, she may even, because of soreness, refuse to mate with your dog. Female dogs can be very choosy when it comes to mates and will often take the aggressive ‘stray’ rather than what has been planned for her, unless the set-up is ensures that no other dogs can get to her.
I Don’t Want Her To Breed, But I Don’t Want Her Fixed Either
Many people are under the misapprehension that having their dog fixed changes the dog in some little-understood way. This is very prevalent in reluctance shown by having a male dog desexed. It can be a bigger and more expensive procedure, yes, but it certainly does not change the dog at all in itself. Letting her have a litter of pups may certainly change your dog. They often develop neurotic tendencies after the pups are gone, and their bodies can become more prone to disease. If you don’t want to have your dog desexed, but don’t want pups either, discuss your options with a veterinary clinic. There are a range of procedures available that can guard against an unwanted pregnancy.