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Dog anxiety? Panic Attacks in Dogs - Concord Veterinary Hospital


Photo Credit: Daniel Kulinski via Compfight cc
Is your dog acting anxiously and shivering? Did you know your dog can get panic attacks, and you might not be aware of that? The only time any of your dogs looked to have a panic attack was when you yelled at them. Some dogs are lucky and very rarely get smacked by their owners. People try to make animals more like humans every day. No wonder the poor animals have attacks like this.  They are dressed like humans, taken in classy restaurants with their owners, who demand they be fed at the table, all that stuff. This can be very confusing for a dog. 

We all love our pets dearly. However, sometimes we may go a little over the top with them.  This can be bewildering for the dog. If it is allowed in the house when you are home, but not while you are at work, this can bring on non-understanding from the dog and a panic attack if it enjoys being inside.

What Causes Anxiety And Panic Attack In Dogs?

There are many reasons that an animal can have a panic attack. So here are some other reasons why your beloved dog may have a panic attack.

A strange environment – Can be caused by the dog not being introduced to different settings and places when it was a small pup.

Illness and Pain – Contribute to the development of anxiety, phobia, and fear.

Ageing – To an extent, dogs are like humans in the fact that they like a routine and the older they get, the more they appreciate it.  Any large routine change, even for one day, can trigger a panic attack.

Having an awful experience – Like people who have had a very bad experience in a certain place, a dog will fight not to go there again if the owner forces it to.

Inability to get away – Seeing something unfamiliar and being confined or tied up, thus being unable to escape, will certainly make a young dog panic badly. This can occur anywhere the dog is confined.

Separation fear – Having multiple owners, being abandoned, neglect or maybe even rehoming can cause panic attacks and psychological damage in a dog. They learn coping mechanisms that can be very frustrating to the new owner, and the cycle may begin again as the new owner gets tired of trying to get through to the dog and gives it up for rehoming or other.

Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attack in Dogs

Symptoms of anxiety and panic in dogs can range from mild to severe. Your dog may show classic signs that include diarrhoea. Your four-legged buddy may shiver, tremble and find a place to hide where it is almost impossible to get it out of. They may even run away.  You can keep an eye on your pet if it is biting and licking at itself and it may also try to escape or injure itself.

Time to Take Your Dog to the Vet  

If you become worried about your dog’s behaviour, then take him to your local veterinary hospital or clinic. The vet will do a full check of the animal to ensure it is not suffering some severe disease that could be causing the anxiety you feel from your pet. Then, if there are no obvious illnesses, he may develop a program for you to follow with your animal.