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Cats Need Doctors, Too - Concord Veterinary Hospital, Cat Clinic

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If your cat gets sick, you should seek professional help instead of subjecting the poor creature to home remedies or worse- medicines that have not been tested on animals.

Let’s get one thing straight- Tylenol, iBuprofen and other popular drugs that do wonders for humans are actually toxic for these poor creatures so steer clear of your medicine cabinet. There are many pet owners who still follow outdated remedies for their pets and often lose them in the process. It is 21st century, and there are many more veterinary clinics offering help for pets than there were in the past.

 Sometimes Cats Vomit

It is perfectly natural and can be due to a number of reasons- something she ate, a hairball that the animal wanted to throw up or a viral infection. You can leave her alone for some time but if things take a turn for the worse, don’t wait around and seek professional help at once. Do not give your cat a spoonful of salt for the purpose of clearing her stomach. It can affect the cat’s kidneys that are not capable of processing excess salt in the system. The animal may get dehydrated, lose precious nutrients in the process and suffer from kidney failure.  Salt can increase the vomiting and lead to organ failure. In some cases, excess intake of salt may cause the brain to go into a coma or swell- either way, the cat is likely to die in the next 24 hours.

Cats Don’t Need A Lot Of Treats

They are picky eaters and prefer a variety of foods. Make sure that your cat does not get bored of food otherwise she is going to stop eating and starve. Unlike other animals, a cat cannot go without food for more than 48 hours. The kidneys shut down, and the cat can die. Also, many people think it cool to feed uncooked meat or coffee to their feline friends. Don’t do that! Caffeine (an ingredient in coffee) is toxic to their digestive system and causes slow poisoning. Also, uncooked meat has all kinds of bacteria teaming in it and is not a party to the animal’s digestive system. If, for any reason, your pet cat is sick, seek a vet’s help immediately- don’t wait around for the animal to be half dead.

Take Your Cat To The Vet

The veterinarian would give an anti-sickness injection to stop the nausea. Blood work may be done to diagnose the problem. Other tests include:

  • Screening blood work: To investigate organ dysfunction or imbalance in the electrolytes, which trigger seizures
  • MRI scan: To identify an abnormal physical change in the structure of the brain (infection, scar tissue, swelling or cancer)


The tests and examinations are going to help the veterinarian to check the function of different organs and trace the cause of nausea and vomiting. The vet may do a physical exam; probe the tummy of the animal to check for any swelling, signs of infection, cancer, pancreatitis, and dehydration. Abdominal imaging or radiograph can be used to identify the presence of foreign bodies in the stomach or intestines.  The treatment would start with plain painkillers and antibiotics or injections if needed. Refrain from salty water remedy if you love your pet.

What To Do If Your Cat Develops Diarrhea

Diarrhea in cats can lead to complications if the disease is not treated on time. Loose bowel movement can be a result of the new pet food you introduced to your cat recently. It can be her intolerance towards dairy or she may have caught a viral infection. Diarrhea is short in duration but if it persists for more than 24-48 hours, you will need to seek professional help to check the signs of any dehydration.


There are many causes of sudden onset of diarrhoea in pets. It may be a sign of tumour, cancer, liver and kidney diseases or something simple. Certain medications can be a cause of diarrhoea in some pets. Avoid treating your cat with Laudanum as your cat may be sensitive to opioid drugs. If your pet passes dark and bloody stools, vomits, has a fever and you observe an unexplained weight loss, take your cat to the veterinarian at the earliest. Stop giving her pet food and provide plenty of water to keep her hydrated.

What To Do If Your Cat Throws A Fit?

It’s not just teenagers who throw fits and tantrums. Cats have fits too. However, theirs require a lot more attention. First off, it is an old wives’ tale that if you cut the cat’s ear while it is going through a fit, the cat will snap out of it. That’s not true and doesn’t work except hurt your cat more. Seizures hardly ever last more than three minutes and after that, your cat will return to normal. Refrain from touching the animal because, during a fit, animals are on sensory overload. Touching is not going to help- if you really need to panic, go to the other room. Once it is over, you and your cat need to see the vet as this person can properly diagnose the pet and put it at ease.