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Pet Blog - Concord Veterinary Hospital

Pet Blog

Famous Pets – Bubbles

Photo Credit: Gerwin Filius via Compfight cc What do you do when you release the biggest selling album of all time and are crowned the King of Pop by legions of fans worldwide and by a media industry salivating for its next lurid headline? You purchase a chimp is what...

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Should I Breed My Female Dog? Part One

Photo Credit: Magalie L'Abbé via Compfight cc The most sensible answer to this question is ‘no.’ Yes, letting your female dog have a litter may sound kind and allow her to develop fully, but the reality is that you will potentially attract a whole host of stray dogs...

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Should I Breed My Female Dog? Part Two

Photo Credit: eltpics via Compfight cc As mentioned before, there is no need to breed your female dog at any stage of her life. To make sure you get the best advice, it is recommended that you talk to your veterinary clinic about whether to breed or not, and get...

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Pet Profile: Burmese

Here is our latest pet profile, the ever popular and beautiful Burmese Cat. The Burmese is one of the most popular breeds of cat out there, being beautiful as well as outgoing and good-natured. Read on to learn more about these amazing kitties! Photo Credit: ** Royal...

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A budgie with a rather feathery problem

Photo Credit: kewl via Compfight cc Vets tend to encounter animals with a whole number of random issues. We have had our fair share at Concord Vet Hospital! One of our colleagues diverted our attention to a budgie with an overwhelming abundance of feathers. The budgie...

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Cats Approaching People – CVH, Cat Hotel Near Concord

Photo Credit: William Hook via Compfight cc We heard an interesting story from a client recently who could not understand why their neighbour's beautiful male Persian cat was not very friendly towards them. This client is a huge fan of cats and whenever she interacts...

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What Did One Dog Say To The Other Dog?

Photo Credit: elmada via Compfight cc Maybe you can never understand that what dogs communicate to each other in their languages but there are many people who want to learn what their dog barks mean. Have you ever wished you could understand what your dog says to you...

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Cat Cafes are surging in popularity

Photo Credit: armsultan via Compfight cc We had a feeling the story about restaurants devoted to pet's wouldn't end with our earlier article, pet deli in Germany.  Another craze making waves is Cat Cafe's. This concept which originally began in Japan, involves a...

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Does my cat belong in the wild?

Photo Credit: Gatto Mimmo via Compfight cc According to animal behaviourists, cats are not quite as domesticated as dogs, which makes them sometimes behave like they belong in the wild. Sometimes your cat can actually be incredibly stressed out by things that might...

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Why are cats so popular on the internet?

Photo Credit: the1pony via Compfight cc It is no secret that cats are much loved on the Internet. If the success of the Internet Cat Video Festival is any sort of yardstick to go by, people are pretty into cats. Sure, dogs get some attention too, but what did cats do...

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