5 Things to Consider Before Buying an Automatic Cat Litter Box
Automatic cat litter boxes sound like a fantastic invention: your cat can enjoy a clean litter box, and you never have to clean it. What’s not to like? Thanks to smart technology, automatic cat litter boxes are becoming increasingly popular for Australian cat owners....
Pet Insurance – What is it?
Photo Credit: OakleyOriginals via Compfight cc You've heard of car insurance, health insurance, house insurance, the list goes on and on. Not to mention those boring insurance ads on TV! In all seriousness though, insurance is a sound investment for many people in...
Protecting your pets from the Cold
Photo Credit: Akane Yamada via Compfight cc New South Wales has just endured what has been described by the media, in an unusual absence of sensationalism, as the “storm of the decade”. Coupled with an unforgiving cold snap, the low-pressure system tragically claimed...
Adopting Greyhounds
Photo Credit: r3v || cls via Compfight cc A furor of the kind that followed 4 Corners’ February report “Making a Killing” is rarely seen in Australian public life, characterised as it is by largely civil and staid discussion. But shocking undercover footage provided...
5 Tips for Taking Care of Aging Dogs
Photo Credit: ustung via Compfight cc Is your dog getting older? Just like an old human, old dogs need proper care and treatment as they become greyer and greyer.Remember dog year conversions: your dog will start to reach its later ages around age 7 (in dog years)....
Should You Give Your Pets Human Pain Killers?
Photo Credit: Tym via Compfight cc No one likes to have a nagging ache or actual pain themselves. And most of us would not like our furry friends to be in pain or suffer discomfort either. But should we give them medications that are meant for humans, or even a...
Unusual Pests on Your Pets
Photo Credit: Patti's Pet Perfection via Compfight cc All of us have seen a flea on one of our pets. Some may have even seen a tick or lice on our birds. But are there any unusual pests that can infest our furry friends? Well, yes, there are. Here are some that you...
Keeping our pets cool during summer
Photo Credit: JuleP67 via Compfight cc Animals like humans can become exhausted and overheated during the hotter summer months. Over exhaustion is a common concern and can lead to early signs of heatstroke. It is our duty as owners to keep our pets cool during these...
Were Animals Harmed? – Concord Veterinary Hospital, Pet Hospital
Photo Credit: flutterfly2002 via Compfight cc Many of you are probably more than a little familiar with this stamp. It’s probably been seen on many long crawls towards the end of the closing credits. But how many of you are familiar with its organisation the American...
Hot Spots on Dogs
Photo Credit: blumenbiene via Compfight cc Hot spots are a form of irritated or inflamed skin known as a pyotraumatic dermatitis. The skin looks raw, moist & oozing. Hair loss is common, sometimes a large patch could be missing, which can grow if left untreated....
The Long-nosed Bandicoot – Concord Veterinary Hospital
Photo Credit: GregTheBusker via Compfight cc At Concord Vet Pet Blog we thought we’d divert our gaze from our domestic critters and instead shine a light on the unique fauna produced by the Australian wilderness. We have all heard of Australia’s internationally prized...
4 Signs Your Cat or Dog May Have Arthritis
Photo Credit: torbakhopper via Compfight cc Do you suspect your cat or dog may have arthritis? It’s a common problem for pets as they get older. Unfortunately, cats and dogs can’t talk. They can’t tell us when their joints are sore, or where they’re sore. That’s why...