Find a look-alike pet to adopt through PetMatch
Photo Credit: tanakawho via Compfight cc Have you been strolling around one day and found a dog/cat that you would love to adopt? Maybe this particular animal resembles your cherished childhood pet? You wonder where you could find a dog/cat that looks just like this...
Pet Profile: Ragdolls
Photo Credit: Houser Wolf via Compfight cc Here at Concord Vets we love kitty cats of all sizes and shapes, be they purebred or common tabby, big or small, fluffy or bald. As a Cat Friendly Clinic, we love having cats around and we are honoured to be entrusted with...
Is a Raw Food Diet Right for your Dog?
Photo Credit: CarbonNYC [in SF!] via Compfight cc There’s been a growing trend across Australia for pet owners to put their dogs on a raw food diet. What are the advantages of this diet? Is raw food really better for dogs? Find out the advantages today. Dogs Are...
Dog Profile – Scottish Terrier
Photo Credit: snackerz via Compfight cc We focus on the charming, passionate and fiercely loyal Scottish Terrier for our pet profile this week! Background Scottish Terriers originated in Scotland around the end of the 17th century and were first referred to as the...
Animals that Laugh – CVH, Pet Doctor Near Concord
Photo Credit: jpmatth via Compfight cc Who hasn’t felt something stir in the deepening well of the soul when a threatened animal species, such as the noble orang-utan, is seen escaping habitat destruction in a documentary or advertisement attempting to raise awareness...
CVH, Veterinary Clinic Near Concord Features the Dugong
Photo Credit: Ruth and Dave via Compfight cc The Dugong, unceremoniously referred to as a “sea cow” on the odd occasion, is one of Australia’s more peculiar creatures, in a vast, boundless nation populated by peculiar creatures. It is one of the more colourful...
Walking the Dog – Part 1: Derby the Dog
Photo Credit: PKMousie via Compfight cc It's been 50 long years since Rufus Thomas' hit Walking the Dog showed the music world it could move beyond mushy love songs and find melodic inspiration from man's best friend. Well now man's best friend is giving us a tip or...
3 Important Ingredients to Look for in Good Dog Food
Even the smartest dog owners can feel lost when looking at dog food ingredients. What exactly are you supposed to look for in dog food? How much protein content do you need? How much should you spend? Today, we’re going to help make your next trip to the pet food...
Collossal cat with a big heart
Photo Credit: reivax via Compfight cc We believe this cat takes the top award for 'Fat Cat' at weighing over 10kg and almost 1m in length. Although don't be deterred by this monstrous creature as he is a BFG, Big Friendly Giant. Mr Pickles, nicknamed Catasauraus Rex...
What to tell your next cat or dog sitter
Photo Credit: MarioMancuso via Compfight cc Getting a great dog or cat sitter can be a fairly stressful experience. Distilling all the quirks that your pet has, their way of doing things and routines for your sitter can ensure that your trip goes off with minimal...
10 Differences between Cats & Dogs
Photo Credit (Creative Commons): “Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria!” – Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters You already know that dogs and cats are different. Their appearances are different, their behaviour is different and the way that...
Extreme pet makeovers: harmless fun or genuine risk?
Photo Credit: The Adventures of Kristin & Adam via Compfight cc How far would you go to make your pet look more interesting? A pet salon in Yekaterinburg, Russia offers extreme makeovers and styling for pets, for those pet owners who are bored with how their pets...