Skin issues can cause a lot of discomfort and even pain in dogs. They are more prevalent in summer when allergies tend to flare up more often. Skin problems can be an indicator of underlying health conditions that are yet to be diagnosed. A lot of skin problems that dogs have will require professional veterinary treatment so that they do not get worse. The main symptoms of skin problems include itching, skin sores, dry skin, lumps, rashes, hair loss and redness.
If your pet has any of the above come to our clinic and we will help you figure out what the problem may be and how it can be resolved. Below are the most common types of dog skin conditions.
⦁ Allergies
Allergies can come in the form of food allergies or environmental allergies. Sudden itching after contact with the offending agent is a major sign of allergy. Dogs tend to have irritated skin on top of the itching. If the itching involves the face, anus, ears and feet this could indicate a potential food allergy. Elimination of the suspected food can rule out the cause of the allergy. In both these cases, the vet will advise you on a step by step treatment plan for your dog. True food allergy is not that common however – so it is worth discussing other types of allergies (flea allergy, contact allergy and atopic dermatitis) with one of our vets before commencing a diet trial for food allergies.
⦁ Folliculitis
Folliculitis refers to inflamed hair follicles. This is usually associated with other skin problems like allergy or skin infections. The follicles become infected as a result of the other skin condition. Folliculitis symptoms include body sores, scabs and bumpy skin. Oral antibiotics, shampoos and antibacterial ointments need to be prescribed by the vet so that the infection is stopped, and the inflammation can be soothed.
⦁ Ringworm and Yeast infections
Ringworm is not actually caused by worms but is a fungal infection. This infection causes bald and often scaly patches on the head, paws and ears of a dog. The skin can also be inflamed and red because of excessive scratching. Yeast infections usually happen in warm areas of a dog’s body – especially the ears and the feet. They cause skin discolouration and an unpleasant smell. When this happens please visit the vert straight away so that the infection can be delt with.
⦁ Mange (Mites)
This is a severe skin condition that us caused by mites. There are two types of mange: a demodectic mange and a sarcoptic mange. The demodectic type usually affects dogs that are less than a year old or older dogs that have an underlying condition. The sarcoptic type is caused by sarcoptic mites and results in a very itchy condition that usually first shows up on a dog’s ears and feet. In such cases, the vet will be able to help you manage the infection so that it does not pass to other dogs or get worse.
For more information on the other causes of skin problems, call us at Concord Vets.